Different challenges requires different solutions
We have developed and field tested our tools to gather the right insight remotely

We have developed and field tested our tools to gather the right insight remotely
Hear the voice of your customer in an agile manner. Reach out to hyper targeted audiences
Understand group dynamics, perception and interactions. Observe the tribe behavior.
See and hear your customers as they engage with your mobile or web products.
Understand the implicit tendencies and brand associations, observe the key drivers
Use readily available sensory images to stimulate the consumer.
Same old surveys, for the right audience with mobile responsive interface.
Observe how the consumers are engaging with products/services in their natural environment
Observe what the consumers are talking about, their culture, word choice and tribes over digital mediums.
Understand different customer flows, bottlenecks, needs and requirements for a product/service
Understand how your customers group certain objects/attributes and how they name the groups
Ask your customers to keep a diary, or take note of everytime when they interact with a product/service
Interact with your customers for a longer timeframe.
Track the eye movements of your consumers remotely
Use machine learning to predict eye movements for an image/website
Outsource your ethnogrophy efforts to your consumers and let them send photos, videos and relevant material